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Cllimte conversations

Too often, we sit in silence with our difficult eco-emotions, which creates a sense of loneliness and powerlessness. Authentic conversations about how we’re feeling — in a space where those feelings are welcomed — can dramatically change that. Talking with others who give us permission to share openly can be comforting, empowering, and unleash creativity all at the same time. 

Climate Awakening

Sometimes you just need to express your climate feelings with other people who get it, and not much more is required. Activist and psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon created Climate Awakening as a series of ongoing sharing and listening sessions that anyone can drop into virtually. 

Learn more or join a virtual listening session:

Climate Cafes

Climate cafes are human-centric, emotions-friendly meetings where people can safely express what they’re sensing about what the climate crisis means—not in some far-out future way, but for their own lives and loved ones. They are a relational and permission-giving space that help people work through their fears and  frustrations. Search online for “your city + climate cafe” to find a climate cafe near you, or sign up for an ongoing virtual series run by the Climate Psychology Alliance here

Conceivable Future

Drawing attention to the pressure that the climate crisis puts on reproductive decisions, and the injustice this causes for people of childbearing age today, Conceivable Future hosts “house parties” where people can express their concerns and desires about how to have kids, or not, in these times. The founders adamantly support personal choice and do not endorse any way as the “right” way to navigate reproductive decisions in the climate crisis, whether that might mean having multiple children, adopting, or refusing to reproduce. 

Download the Conceivable Future “House Party How-To” and host your own gathering, or upload a testimonial about how the climate crisis is shaping your intimate decisions. 

Climate-aware theapy






Educatinal Resources

“Emotional methodologies” help people connect with and process difficult climate feelings, such as anxiety, grief, and dread, in ways that build courage, acceptance, and inner resilience. Unlike much climate-aware therapy, emotional methodologies are practices that are designed to be done in groups, and are not necessarily facilitated by a mental health professional. In each their own way, they move people past denial and emotional paralysis towards deeper understanding of their own felt responses, as well as meaningful external actions they can take.

For more on emotional methodologies, see Jo Hamilton’s 2020 PhD thesis.

Here are a couple of our favourite emotional methodologies:

The Work That Reconnects

TWTR is practiced around the world as a way to cultivate inner resilience, healing, and connection in collectively dark times that demand empowered action. It is based in the teachings of Joanna Macy, a renowned activist and author whose life has been dedicated to helping people tap into the interconnectedness of all living things using a mixture of modern systems theory, Indigenous, and Buddhist philosophies. 

Find workshops, retreats, and study groups:

The Evolving Edge 

A branch of TWTR that is focused on decolonizing the practices of TWTR to better meet the needs of communities of colour. 

Read more about The Evolving Edge’s ideas and practices

Good Grief Network

GGN is an innovative peer support network for processing and integrating the uncertainty and grief that the climate and wider eco-crisis can awaken in people. Based on Alcoholics Anonymous, this group format moves participants through a 10-step program in which key topics are processed in a supportive setting, such as: “accept the uncertainty of the predicament,” “practice being with uncertainty,” and “honor my mortality and the mortality of all.”  

Learn more or join a GGN 10-step group:


练习体感疗法(源自希腊语 soma,意为“身体”)就是聆听通过身体进入的感觉,将其作为基础语言。这是一种利用身心联系的方式,可以意识到我们从创伤情境中学到的根深蒂固的意识和潜意识模式、生存策略和生存方式。通过意识到这些嵌入我们神经生物学的模式,我们可以根除并重组它们,以实现以正义为导向的变革和解放。


Generative Somatics 是一个致力于气候和社会正义服务的组织,它提供了几种基于创伤的躯体项目,这些项目可以调动我们的情绪、感觉和生理,从而实现个人、集体和社会的转变。


Emotional Methodologies
Events & Retreats




梅村是法国的一家禅宗静修中心,其根源在于活动家和全球精神领袖一行禅师的教义,有时会为活动家气候活动家提供在线正念静修。 适合情绪激动、绝望、倦怠、同情心疲劳和一般疲惫的时刻。



气候危机给有色人种社区带来了不成比例的负担,并在现有的压迫之上增加了更多压力。这反过来又需要文化敏感性支持。禅宗佛教僧侣、环境保护基金高级科学家Kritee Kanko 博士为有色人种举办了为期多天的生态佛法静修会,以及 BIPOC 悲伤圈。

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Cllimte conversations



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